Services and Security

The service and security research group is focused on the design, implementation and evaluation of new concepts and paradigms in the area of service architectures.


The service and security research group is focused on the design, implementation and evaluation of new concepts and paradigms in the area of service architectures. We exploit results from lower layer network research and service oriented architectures as well as advances in security technologies to bridge the gap between different research communities. This allows the creation and evaluation of innovative solutions for future communication architectures. We evaluate new architectures with various methodologies, like prototypical implementation, measurement formal verification and simulation. We have extensive experience in the field of service architectures and are involved in a couple of international, national and bilateral projects with partners from industry and academia.

Currently, our main research topics are Identity Management and AAA mechanisms (Privacy-aware identity selection, Extension of existing architectures to support multi-device scenarios; Accountability concepts in the Future Internet; Reputation metrics) Management of complex network and service platforms (Advanced fault detection and diagnosis concepts, Resource allocation and service placement in virtualized environments) Design and evaluation of advanced network services (New transport layer protocols, Investigation of multi-homing concepts, Session Mobility.


  • DynFire - Dynamic Firewalling
  • G-Lab - Control and Management of Coexisting Networks
  • G-Lab - Control and Management of Coexisting Networks
  • SWIFT - Secure Widespread Identities for Federated Telecommunications
  • Daidalos II - Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimised personal Services
  • P2P SIP - Peer-to-Peer SIP
  • MAMS - Multi-Access Modular-Services Framework
  • XDomain - Performance evaluation of automotive communication systems and telematics services
  • VDE ITG 5.2.2 - ITG Section 5.2.2 - Network Security


Ulrich Gemkow


Academic Senior Councilor, Research Staff Member

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