Publication No 36761


Kirstädter, A.; Pardigon, A.


Configuration of a computer network comprising a number of computers by considering the network design using both a routing protocol and a path definition protocol


Method for configuring one or more computers, whereby a number of physical paths between computers are defined. The paths are defined using a first routing-protocol and a second path definition protocol. According to the method, for at least one physical path, a different replacement path is defined using the second protocol, with the path having the same start and finish computers. Finally the data network is configured with the first protocol, whereby the physical and logical paths of the second protocol are considered. - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is made for a device for configuring a data network.



Reference entry

Kirstädter, A.; Pardigon, A.
Configuration of a computer network comprising a number of computers by considering the network design using both a routing protocol and a path definition protocol
Patent, No DE10341337, March 2005

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